Manager's Message

Fr. Thomas Uthimattathil
Fr. Thomas Uthimattathil
Dear Parents, Teachers and Children, Pope Francis beautifully exhorts, “The world tells us to seek success, power and money; God tells us to seek humility, service and love”. Our mind is a garden. Our thoughts are the seeds. We can grow flowers or we can grow weeds. One need to feed the mind with positive, abundant and life prospering thoughts, which can open the channels of miracle creating doors, which is divinely constructed for one’s prosperous and purposeful destined quality of life. The success of a human being depends when he/she is able to live life wisely, in accordance with God’s love. Wisdom is not a thing that could be bought, it has to be attained. We go to schools and colleges to enhance our knowledge, but having knowledge alone is not sufficient. The purpose of the schooling gets actualized when the students are able to bring out a remarkable and significant change in their attitudes and behavioural patterns. We need to remember the words of Aristotle: “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” Schools are the most powerful instruments in shaping the vision and values of the younger generation. Value based education can bring social transformation. St. Pius’ School nurtures the younger minds through the 21st century with an unblemished record of service to the cause of education. It aims at forming a generation of worthy citizens who will serve the nation with commendable excellence. This school stands as firm as a rock impenetrable fortress to carry forward its mission of spreading true love and wisdom to all, irrespective of religion, caste or race. It holds the banner of integrity, nationhood, secularism and unity, setting of an example of selfless service. Tirelessly we strive to achieve greater heights of excellence in accordance with its motto: IN GOD WE TRUST. Hence, the need of today is, the family and school are to work hand in hand to motivate the students to have thirst not only for knowledge and academic excellence but also for humility, service and love. I thank all the parents and teachers, especially the principal, of our school for the love and care towards the little ones of our school-family. May God Bless You!